AI in Education

Image created with Adobe Firefly (prompt: artificial intelligence programme assisting students in writing essays)

Recent progress in artificial intelligence presents a unique opportunity for higher education, but also poses challenges. Generative AI systems are increasingly capable of producing text, images, and computer code. Students can use these systems to increase their productivity and level the playing field between e.g. native and non-native speakers, or students good or less good at writing. But students can also use AI systems to undermine the validity of traditional assessment methods. Teachers should adapt the ways they assess students to optimize the strengths of AI. At the same time, data-driven methods in learning analytics, automated review, and personalized questioning can be used by teachers to promote objectivity and learning success, while also introducing risks such as potential bias and lack of transparency.

ECPAI researchers are involved in many different ways to better understand the impact of AI in higher education and are actively engaged in the development of tools and policy frameworks to ensure that this impact is positive. In particular, funded research projects are used to explore the use of chatbots for academic writing, and several researchers are actively involved in the articulation of education policy at the university and beyond.

Funded Projects

  • BOOST! / 4TUCEE project on generative AI for writing education.

Structural Contributions


Associated Researchers

  • Carlos Zednik
  • Gunter Bombaerts
  • Matthew Dennis
  • Philip Nickel
  • Vlasta Sikimić